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SOC 1 Audit

SOC 1 audits, formally known as System and Organization Controls 1 audits, are crucial for businesses that provide financial services or handle financial data for other companies. These audits evaluate the internal controls that affect financial reporting.


The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) developed SOC 1 audits to ensure service organizations maintain proper controls. They're conducted under the Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) 18, which replaced SSAE 16 in 2017.

SOC 1 audits come in two types:

The AICPA standards ensure consistency across audits. They require auditors to examine:


  • Control objectives

  • Risk assessment processes

  • Information and communication systems

  • Monitoring activities


SSAE 18 introduced new requirements, such as enhanced risk assessment and increased focus on subservice organizations. This update aims to improve audit quality and relevance in an evolving business landscape.


See also: SOC 1 vs. SOC 2 - key differences and similarities

Soc 1 Audit

Details of SOC 1 reports

SOC 1 reports come in two distinct flavors: Type I and Type II. Each serves a unique purpose in assessing an organization's internal controls.

SOC 1 - Type I:

This report provides a snapshot of the service organization's control environment at a specific point in time. It focuses on:

  • The fairness of management's description of the system

  • The suitability of the control design to achieve stated objectives

Type I reports are useful for:

  • Initial assessments

  • Newly implemented systems

  • Organizations seeking a quick overview

SOC 1 - Type II:

Type II reports are more comprehensive. They include everything in a Type I report, plus:

  • Testing of controls over a specified period (usually 6-12 months)

  • Results of those tests

  • Auditor's opinion on the operating effectiveness of controls

Benefits of Type II reports:

  • Provide greater assurance to stakeholders

  • Demonstrate sustained compliance

  • Often preferred by clients and regulators

Type II reports require more time and resources but offer a deeper insight into the organization's control environment.

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